His Eminence Menri Ponlob Yangton Trinley Nyima Rinpoche gave Oral Transmission of the Great Teachings of Yungdrung Bon from 15th March to 25th as directed by His Holiness Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche and requested by the monks of Menri Monastery and organized by the Bon Dialectic School of Menri Monastery.

Importance of Oral Transmission
Yungdrung Bon teaching has three parts, the empowerment, the transmission and the teaching. The origin of the trasmission of the teachings of the Yungdrung Bon is precious and undefiled. It was originated from Tonpa Kuntu Sangpo and passed from one lineage Lama to another till Nyamme Sherab Gyaltsen, the first Abbot of Menri Monastery. From Nyamme Sherab Gyaltsen, it was passed from one Abbot to another till Lungtok Tenpai Nyima, the 33rd Abbot of Menri Monastery and Yongzin Tenzin Namdak, the supreme teacher of Menri Monastery. His Eminence Menri Ponlob Trinley Nyima received these pure and precious transmissions from Lungtok Tenpai Nyima and Yongzin Tenzin Namdak without cutting off the transmission and teaching from the origin. As the tradition of passing the transmission and teachings to the next generation continues, His Eminence decided to give the transmission to His Holiness Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the 34th Abbot of Menri, and all the monks and devotees. It was considered a very preciouse and opportunity for all those who could participate and receive the oral transmission.
Topics of Oral Transmission
This time, the main focus was on the precious texts of “Dzogchen”, or the Great Perfection among the great teachings of Yungdrung Bon. The teachings of Yungdrung Bon are included in “Bon-gyi Theg-pa Rim-gu”, or the “Nine Ways of Bon”. The texts of Dzogchen are contained in the ninth way of Bon, called “La-med Theg-pa” or “the Unsurpassed Way”. The transmission of two great texts Dzogchen Dragpa Korsum: The cycles of Dzogchen teaching and Dzogchen Zhangzhung Nyengyud Korzhi: Four cycle of Dzogchen texts from the Oral transmission of Zhangzhung, were completed from 15th March to 25th March 2019.